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10/05/2001 Entry: "10/05 Morning"

I have not been feeling like myself lately. I had been doing so good with exercising every day and eating healthy for more than a month, but lately I've been a bit down. Shawn asked me the other day if I was depressed, and that scared me because I had gotten depressed after the tornado and never realized it for months. So I had told Shawn to let me know if I'm ever acting strange or down. The thing is I really don't feel depressed. I just feel blah and very tired most of the time. I don't have any motivation to create anything, clean house, or work on my business stuff. However, I am still motivated with my daily workouts. Strange. I am PMSing this week so maybe that's the reason I'm so down. I sure hope so. Everything in my life is going to smoothly and great that there isn't any logical reason for me to feel down. To be honest, I just haven't felt the same since the attack on the U.S. Maybe it dredged up some memories or feelings of grief that I still need to deal with. I do believe that "this too shall pass" though.

I haven't been doing much. I work 2 days a week in mom's store and am going to ask for an extra day a week. If I can't get at least 10 days a month, then I'm going to have to job hunt. I really need to bring home a bit more than I do as Shawn and I have some major credit card bills that we need to pay off. Plus we'll be going to Florida in December to the Packer Game so we need to save for that.

I've been having bad dreams all week and sleeping very fitfully also. I'm sure this all ties in to the way I've been feeling. I can only pray this blows over soon. Meanwhile, I'm going to see if I can do something fun today to take my mind off everything. I'm in the mood to create a dingbat and will work on that for a few hours.

Replies: 5 comments

It's good that you've got a handle on it Leah. I have to say I've been feeling very much the same. I've withdrawn from just about everyone, and accomplish next to nothing. I know myself well enough to know that I get really strange during the change of seasons, so I'm hoping it's just that!! *hugs*

Bev has spoken @ 10/05/2001 08:41 AM CST

I hope things start looking up for you :)

Karen has spoken @ 10/05/2001 09:23 AM CST

(((Hugs))) ... I just saw a news report that 1 out of 4 people are feeling depressed, having sleep problems, etc. I have felt the same way, though I'm sure yours undoubtedly goes much deeper. Just know we all here for each other, and we will get through this ... :)

Darlanne has spoken @ 10/05/2001 03:00 PM CST

Leah I am sorry to hear you have been down. (is it already that time of month AGAIN?)As you know the last few month I have been down because of mom, but the last week or so I have felt better than I have in months. I think because we decided to have the Halloween party it gave me something else to focus on besides mom and the attack. Maybe you should try something totally new to do. Go to a craft store and find something, or get you a puzzle to work on. I know that after I started crocheting I was feeling better. Now I am making costumes. I know how you feel about not feeling like creating graphics. I sat down and tried again to do a Halloween set for the contest and I am just blank. Anyway I will say a prayer for you to come out of the way you are feeling. Just think of all you have to be thankful for. If I could I would give you a big hug right now. Call me if you need to talk.

Bren has spoken @ 10/05/2001 07:22 PM CST

Leah I'm sorry you are feeling down. I can certainly understand it and I too had a bad few weeks. Bren is right do something new to keep busy, it really helps. I hope you are feeling better soon hon. *hugs*

Dana Lea has spoken @ 10/07/2001 05:20 AM CST

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