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Web Elegance - Original Graphics and Dingbats

Country Connection

Wednesday, August 29, 2001

I cannot believe how fast the time goes and how fast the Summer is approaching the end. That's ok though as it's been way too hot for me. I am totally looking forward to Fall. I love wearing jeans and sweatshirts....comfy clothes.

I haven't really done anything exciting to write about this week. Just busy working on a million things at once....boring stuff. I am in the mood to create some new dingbats though I am forcing myself to finish my new site first. I can't remember the last time I worked on a font. So I'm hoping to have something new soon. I may even work on one when I get tired of working on my other site...but we'll see.

I've been going to bed so much earlier since I started exercising. It must wear me out, but I'm feeling great! So I'm going to surf for a bit and then read before bed. :)

Posted by Leah @ 09:35 PM CST [Link]

Tuesday, August 28, 2001

This is so sweet. I too am amazed at the connections I've made with other people whom I consider friends just from the internet. I'm wondering what I'd do without it now....though I bet my house would get cleaned more often.

Posted by Leah @ 09:27 PM CST [Link]

Monday, August 27, 2001

What a day! I had a very busy day in mom's store. I came home with the typical headache I get whenever I work there. I'm not sure what it is, but I have a feeling it's her computer chair. I was supposed to go watch Shawn bowl but decided to stay home instead and relax.

Well instead of relaxing I decided to finish sponge painting the bathroom. It's looking very nice. I should say the bottom green part that we sponged looks great! The new floor also looks awesome. I'm not sure about the cream though. We had taken wallpaper down and painted the top cream (without removing the glue) because I knew I'd be sponge painting it and didn't think that would matter. Initially I was going to go with a color but then decided to leave it cream and sponged opal translucent glaze on top. So it looks a bit shiny in places. I'll have to see if I like it when it dries. All that's left then is the wood moulding to put up that will divide the green from the cream. The only reason we are putting some up is because of the ridge that shows from the board we had painted the green over...if that makes any sense at all. I will take pictures when it's completely done and decorated. The toilet is still ugly and so is the vanity but at least the walls and floor look different. It's a huge improvement. Some day we'd like to completely remodel the bathroom, but for now this will do.

I've been procrastinating on finishing my business site. I'm not sure why, but I know I have this bad habit of leaving things until the last minute. It seems I can find a million other things to do rather than work on it. I doubt I'll get much done tomorrow either as I want to finish a design I'm working on for a very good friend. :)

Well I'm going to relax for a bit now and surf the blogs. I'm tired as I got up at 5 a.m. this morning and didn't need to until 6:30 a.m. So I got my exercising done very early. Thanks again to those of you who posted below regarding the copycat. I'm relieved it got taken care of so quickly and painlessly.

Posted by Leah @ 08:25 PM CST [Link]

Thank you so much! You have done an outstanding job with my design. I am going to add your site to my daily reads.

Posted by Leah @ 08:15 PM CST [Link]

I never heard back from the copycat but I see she has removed my design. Thanks to all of you for your support!

Posted by Leah @ 08:03 AM CST [Link]

Saturday, August 25, 2001

I cannot believe this, but someone has completey stolen my entire design that I use for Web Elegance, AGAIN! This has to be the third time in the past couple months. I have written the offender and am waiting to hear back. I just don't get it. The design is not that great. The only thing about it I like is the butterfly and those are tube pieces that I put together. I'm thinking of redoing the site into a different layout while still using the butterfly as I really like it. But I'm afraid to switch anything around now or I'd look guilty.....for crying out loud. This is getting really old very fast.

Posted by Leah @ 05:04 PM CST [Link]

We are back from our romantic evening in the hotel. We had a nice time and it was very relaxing. I can't share any more details than that :P

Look what I got!

I was so excited to receive my gorgeous bracelet from my friend, Moni over at Hip Essentials. As you can see from the pic, it's beautiful!!! It's so sparkly and the stones are so clear. Plus I received some matching earrings. Thank you so much!!

Posted by Leah @ 03:39 PM CST [Link]

Friday, August 24, 2001

I'll be thinking of you and praying for you. I hope you are back on your feet very soon. :)

Posted by Leah @ 09:56 AM CST [Link]

Out Of Focus - Sharpening the Lens has a beautiful redesign!!

Posted by Leah @ 09:55 AM CST [Link]

Wednesday, August 22, 2001

"If you always do what you always'll always get what you always got!" I got this from a website and thought it was so true.

Posted by Leah @ 11:20 PM CST [Link]

Arms Wide Open is written by a very good friend, Dana Lea. Welcome to the world of blogging!!

Posted by Leah @ 10:32 AM CST [Link]

I have a very restless sleep last night and slept later this morning as a result. It started storming really bad around 4 I would guess. Everytime the thunder boomed, I'd jump in my sleep and wake up. Shawn finally woke up and started rubbing my back to calm me down. I was getting very nervous. Storms will always remind me of the tornado. One of the worst things I remember about the night of the tornado is laying in the field for hours while it thundered. It was so scary and I was sure I was going to be struck by lightning. So anytime I hear loud, abrupt noises, I jump. Eventually I fell back asleep and didn't wake until 8:30. I can't remember the last time I slept this late.

I don't have anything exciting to blog about today. I'm going to do the housework that I never finished the other day. Then I'll work on my business stuff again. It seems neverending, but I'm enjoying it. Actually maybe I'll create another blog template today. I'm in the mood to play. :)

Posted by Leah @ 10:26 AM CST [Link]

Monday, August 20, 2001

Good morning! I am feeling great! I've been working out and eating healthier for 3 days now and feel wonderful and so motivated. I am keeping track of everything in my other journal.

I only have a few mins. before I need to go to work. I only work today and tomorrow this week and then have the rest of the week off. Shawn and I are going somewhere special Friday night for our anniversary. He surprised me with a FantaSuite! We both chose our room together. It was a hard choice as there are so many nice rooms to pick from, but we decided on the Ceasar's Court room because of the elegance and it looks very roomy and cheerful. Some of the other rooms looked a little dungy and we really wanted one we could relax in. So you know where I'll be Friday.....that's right, the whirlpool!

Well I better get in the shower. I finished my workout and need to leave in an hour.

Posted by Leah @ 07:56 AM CST [Link]

Saturday, August 18, 2001

I had a much more productive day today. I made my first official resale purchase today from Wal-Mart. I bought a bunch of frames. I have information from various companies to buy them wholesale, but believe it or not, they are cheaper at Wal-Mart. I plan to frame each of my designs in a variety of frames anyway so it works out good that I can pick them out in person. I also created a few new designs for my business.

I'm so excited because my framed prints have been selling pretty good in my mom's store. It's just such a great feeling to know others are decorating their homes with my designs or giving them away as gifts. So I'm already working on a reorder for mom.

Life is good today. :)

Posted by Leah @ 04:30 PM CST [Link]

I'm sorry to hear this has happened to you! The sad thing is you really can't be sure this person even got the credit card number from online. I had a friend who had a similiar experience and it turns out the person got the numbers from garbage in a store or something like that. At any rate, I hope you get it all straightened out! I'm knocking on wood as I say this, but I do most of my shopping online for everything and so far no problems. I hope this is just a fluke.

Posted by Leah @ 09:16 AM CST [Link]

Friday, August 17, 2001

I didn't have a very productive day today. I mainly worked on my weight loss journal and did some housework and that was it. Shawn and I went out for fish, which was delicious. Then we rented a very boring movie and I can't even remember the name and too lazy to go look. I'm very tired and feeling a little down and not sure why. There is no reason for it so I think I'll go read a good book and go to bed early. Tomorrow is another day.

Posted by Leah @ 10:23 PM CST [Link]

Thursday, August 16, 2001

I was disappointed to see my weight loss was only 1 lb (total) today instead of the 3 I had the other day. I do know my weight can fluctuate, but I have a feeling my latest out to eats have hurt me. So I really tried to watch my food intake today and think I did pretty well.

I am going to start a new journal for my lifestyle changes as soon as I have some free time. I am also going to purchase some of the Firm videos so I'd appreciate any recommendations from those who use them. I'm searching for a video that will tone my buns, thighs, biceps, abs, and help me get rid of the love handles. I don't like a lot of aerobics so I'd like to take it easy until I get into the swing of things. So please leave me your recommendations. Shawn has a really neat exercise machine. You can run on it and adjust the level so it's either almost flat or like a stepper. He had it custom made when he had knee surgery so I know it's gently on the knees, unlike running would be. Anyway, I could never last long on that machine because I'm so out of shape, so I might try that again. Meanwhile, I want to order some tapes and start there.

I really want to lose some drastic weight before my trip to Florida in December!

Posted by Leah @ 11:46 PM CST [Link]

I don't have much to write about today. I worked in Mom's store again. Her online business is doing great! We are so excited. If you like lace at all, you really should check it out. I never was a big lace fan until we started carrying the Heritage Lace line. I love the versatality of it and have it almost in every room in my house, along with my country decor. So I guess you could say my house is almost like a Country Victorian style.

Shawn and I still need to finish painting the bathroom. We need to do a second coat of the green along the bottom, maybe tomorrow. Then Shawn is going to rag roll it. It should look cool. I decided to go with a cream along the top and then I'm going to sponge paint the glaze on top and see what that does. If I don't like it, then I might add a light rose shade. I'm returning the tiles I picked out as I don't like them now that I see what they'll look like. So I'm going to try and find something else I can live with.

I have the day off tomorrow and plan on spending most of the day working on my business site. I opened up a business checking account yesterday so I feel completely legit now.

Well, I need to do some research on the taxes etc. so I'll write more later.

Posted by Leah @ 08:46 PM CST [Link]

Wednesday, August 15, 2001

I have offically lost 3 lbs. I fluctuate between a 3-5 lb. loss, so I'll go with the former. I am still watching what I eat and limiting my soda intake, but we did go out to eat a few times the past few days so I didn't do as well as I wanted. But I am happy with any weight loss as this point.

Posted by Leah @ 08:25 AM CST [Link]

I haven't done much web work in the past few days as we've been doing some small odd jobs around the house. Yesterday we put up a ceiling fan in our bedroom, what a pain in the butt! We have a drop ceiling in there so it was quite the process to get the ceiling fan installed properly with the proper support etc. It took us much longer than anticipated. We had originally gone to the store to buy some new floor tiles (quick fix) for our yucky upstairs bathroom, and we came home with a new 12x12 area rug for our bedroom (the old one was tan), new country blue carpeting for our stairs and landing, floor tile for our bathroom, and some paint. So we got the ceiling fan installed, got the new carpet in the bedroom, and did the first coat of a dark green in our bathroom. We are painting the bottom half dark green and rag rolling an opal translucent glaze on top. We are so pleased with the results so far and can't wait for it to be done. Then we are going to work on our kitchen. Eventually, we'd like to completely remodel the upstairs bathroom, but for now we are trying to get it livable.

Saturday we went to another surprise birthday party for one of Shawn's friends. I hadn't seen him since 1994 or so. We had a good time but stayed out much later than we intended, and then we had a 1 1/2 hour drive home.

I had a headache most of Sunday and then on Monday also. I originally thought it was a hangover headache, but by Monday I knew it was one of my migraines. I've been getting those almost every month, and they last for 3 days though this 1 only lasted 2 days. I've been to the doctor and was told they are hormonal related migraines, and there is nothing I can do to prevent them. Though I'm thinking of calling the doctor again to see if switching my birth control pill would help. So I didn't get anything done on Sunday and worked all day Monday in mom's store with the headache.

It has cooled off considerably, finally! It's 60 right now, and I'm in heaven. I love this weather! It's supposed to be in the 70's for most of this week and weekend.

Next Friday is our 1 year anniversary. Shawn and I are going away for the weekend but not sure where yet. I'm really looking forward to it!

Well, I'm going to do some housework, laundry, and run errands. I'll write more later.

Posted by Leah @ 08:21 AM CST [Link]

Friday, August 10, 2001

I had a bad dream again last night. I woke up with my heart pounding and this sense of fear. The strange thing is I can't remember any of it. Usually I can recall my dreams right when I wake up, but not this time. I just know it's left me with this feeling of doom and gloom....not a great way to start my day. I have no motivation to even get ready for work because of this dream. I hope the rest of my day goes better.

I am finally doing something about my weight. I refuse to diet or even use the word as that will only send me to the fridge for more food. I am trying to change my eating lifestyle. I grew up eating very healthy through most of my childhood. Everything my mom had in the house was healthy with very little sugar. I don't think my mom ever bought Hostess anything and for sure no candy, ice cream, cookies, or soda. The only time I got candy or soda was when I visited my grandparents which was usually only on holidays or special occasions. So I swore that when I moved out on my own, I was going to buy all the junk food I wanted! I really craved sweets through most of my childhood and was jealous of my friends who were allowed to eat twinkies and doritos etc.

So when I got my own apartment at age 16, I bought it all on my first grocery trip. I can remember sitting down and eating one cookie after another. That is when my junk food habit developed. Luckily, I don't binge eat. But it's a rare day if I can say I did not have at least one candy bar or cookie or something fattening.

I never had to worry about my weight though until the past few years. Sure I would gain 5 or 10 lbs over each winter, but it usually came right off in the summer. Over the years though I have steadily been getting heavier. I had a huge weight loss right after the tornado due to my grief and was almost at my very thinnist. Then I went back up to where my body wants to be. I pretty much stayed the same weight the entire 4 years I lived in PA.

Since coming back to WI, I have gained 30 lbs (most of it from my efforts at quitting smoking). I am disgusted with myself, and it's harming my self esteem severly. Which is why I am finally going to do something about it.

I started by cutting down on my soda intake to 1 can per day. I'm also trying to find less fattening snacks to eat and cutting down on my portion sizes for my meals. I know I never used to eat as much in one sitting as I can put away now. Thank God I am tall or I'd look much heavier. Believe it or not, some people still refer to me as tall and slender. I'm sure they can see I've put on some weight, but they would never guess an extra 30 pounds.

So I've been watching what I eat now for about a week and already have lost 5 lbs. My short term goal is 40 lbs. by December as I'm going on a trip to Florida to see the Packer game. My long term goal would be 50 lbs. As I said, I am not dieting. I still will eat what I want when I go out. I love food too much to give up the good stuff, but I am educated and aware of what is fattening. So I'm going to try and cut the fat and calories where I can. I'm not even going to attempt any of those fad diets as I know I'll only put the weight back on once I start eating normal again. So Shawn and I are changing not only our eating habits but also our cooking habits.

Did I mention how much I hate to exercise and my lack of motivation? Well, the one thing I've always enjoyed is riding bike, so I'm doing that as much as I can. I also enjoy other acitivities that will be good for burning calories as long as they are not called "exercise".....if that makes any sense. So for now I am riding bike and enjoying it.

Finally, I am motivated. :)

Posted by Leah @ 08:54 AM CST [Link]

Thursday, August 9, 2001

Welcome Home! I'm glad you had such a relaxing trip. Your pics are gorgeous!

Posted by Leah @ 07:43 PM CST [Link]

I got so much accomplished today for my new site. I'm really pleased. At this rate I should have everything completed hopefully in two weeks or so. It really all depends on how badly I procrastinate.

It stormed a bit here and has cooled down a little, but we are still supposed to be getting more storms. I can only hope the cold front comes through here soon. The heat for the past couple weeks has been unbearable. I don't do well in the heat. For one thing, I sweat like a pig, and I swear I could faint. I just hate it and cannot wait for Fall.

I have to work tomorrow in mom's store so I won't get much done around here. Then Shawn and I will probably go out for fish and then to a corn roast in a nearby town.

I ordered a very pretty bracelet today from Hip Essentials. Moni makes some beautiful jewelry and I can't wait to get it!

Well, I'm going to surf the blogs for a bit.

Posted by Leah @ 07:20 PM CST [Link]

Tuesday, August 7, 2001

I'm working in Mom's store today but thought I'd write how my trip went.

On Saturday morning Angie and Bruce arrived at our house. We originally were going to bring both jet skis along with us, but we found out after they arrived, that they didn't have a trailor hitch on their vehicle. Shawn and I had been told awhile back they were getting one put on so we didn't think to ask. So we only took the one jet ski along. I rode with Angie while Shawn and Bruce drove together. It was a 4 hour trip but went very fast as Angie and I had a lot of catching up to do.

So we arrived at the Fence Lake Lodge on Saturday around 4 p.m. The room we stayed in only had one bedroom, but it had a Queen pullout bed in the couch and a full kitchen. We were extremely pleased with the room and the location. There was a balcony overlooking the lake with sliding doors both from the living room and the bedroom.

It was extremely hot and humid but we toured the grounds a bit and sat by the lake and just relaxed for a couple of hours. I am always hot and was dripping with sweat! We checked into renting a jetski so we could have two but the rates were kind of high, so we decided to rent a Pontoon for the next day. We had decided not to do much that evening because of the drive and the heat. So we stayed in the room, had a few drinks, and played board games all night. It was a blast! Shawn and I had bought a new game called Battle of the Sexes which was a hoot! Angie and I won! We went to bed around midnight.

The next morning we got up bright and early and went onto the Pontoon. That was so much fun! There were a few lakes all connected so we rode around for a total of 4 hours. We had taken a cooler of drinks and food along with us so we were sitting pretty good. We found a private beach that was only accessible by boat so we stopped there for a bit. I'm not much of a swimmer and really don't care for lake water, but this water seemed very clean and clear. We all took a swim and played some water games. I got dunked a few times but had so much fun! It was cloudy the entire day, but I still got a nice sunburn. We had decided to only rent the Pontoon for half a day so we had it back by 1 p.m. Angie and I decided to stay in our room for a bit and took a nap, so Shawn and Bruce went golfing.

After we woke up from the nap, we both got ready for a romantic evening out with our men. We were to meet Shawn and Bruce in the Lodge bar (which is extremely fancy) at 6. So Angie and I got there around 5 and had a few drinks. By the time Shawn and Bruce arrived, we had a $40 bar tab going! They didn't get there until 7:30 because they decided to golf 18 holes instead of 9.....figures :). But that was ok as Angie and I were busy talking and were feeling pretty good after our drinks. We all had a nice time sitting at the bar and finally decided to order supper at 9 p.m.

The food was excellent! They all had seafood while I had a big steak. It was delicious!! Shawn has such a wonderful sense of humor and had a few of the waitresses stopping just to listen in on some of his jokes or comments. I laughed most of the night! We finally left the restaurant around 11 or so and went back to our room for another game of Battle of the Sexes as Shawn and Bruce wanted a rematch. Angie and I won again!! We were beat by then and went to bed.

The next morning we had to check out by 10 so Shawn and I got up extra early and took a boat around the private lake that was near the lodge. It was very quiet and we were the only ones on the lake. I took some pictures but haven't uploaded them to my pc yet. After our boat ride we went back to the room, packed everything up, and left.

The ride home seemed much longer than the ride there. We had a very fun and relaxing weekend though we were both tired from all the sun. I can't wait to go back!

Posted by Leah @ 12:00 PM CST [Link]

Thursday, August 2, 2001

Wow, August already! Where does the time go anymore.

Shawn and I will be going away for the weekend and are leaving Saturday morning. We are going up North with another couple and will be staying in a resort on the lake. It should be a lot of fun! I'm not a huge lake fan as I don't swim or anything, but I'm looking forward to being with my friend and hanging out and relaxing. I'm sure the guys will go golfing or something so then we can do some shopping.

I'm still working on my new site today and housework. I really don't have much to say so I'll write more later. :)

Posted by Leah @ 10:26 AM CST [Link]

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