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07/26/2001 Entry: "7/26 Morning"

Where does the time go anymore? It's been a busy week here. Monday night I celebrated my brother's birthday with the family. We all went out to eat, and it was a nice time.

Shawn and I had a huge disagreement over the weekend that lasted for two days. It started out as a minor issue but esculated into something much more before we were done. Though we argue constructively, some hurtful things were said on my part (though I know it's wrong). Shawn is always very laid back and never initiates an argument, so usually it's because of me. Whenever I feel like he has done or said something wrong, I mention it and we discuss it. Well this time, there was some major miscommunication going on. He was not hearing what I was saying and vice versa.

This has happened one other time with us, so we ended up writing everything down on paper. So I wrote him a long letter detailing what I was trying to say, how I felt hurt, and what I was feeling. He responded with a letter of his own. I could clearly sense his frustration with the issues we were trying to work out and some anger. When he gets mad, he gets a little sarcastic, but that is about it. So there was a bit of sarcasm in his letter. Finally, we went over each of our points in our letters and are working through them one by one.

We know we won't resolve our issues in one day but we've both agreed to work on it. We each have some things we need to change, nothing major though. The main thing is we love each other and do want to always keep our lines of communication open. Shawn is the first man I've dated who really wants to talk about "us" and work out issues. We both know relationships are a lot of work (though ours is so good most of the time that it hardly seems like it). He has been so good for me as I am a worrywart and the nervous type so he gives me a different viewpoint on things and helps calm me down, especially when I excessively worry about something very minor. So that is what was going on Sunday and part of Monday.

On Monday night Shawn and I went out to eat and then came home and played Triple Yahtzee (which I won) and then he wanted to play the game called Risk. I had never played it before, but it's one of Shawn's favorite games so I agreed. He claimed that he has never lost a game. Well, the game went on until 2 a.m. (about 4 hours) and I won!! It's funny because it's a very strategic game and I didn't think I'd be any good. Shawn took the loss well, though he hardly ever loses anything he plays. So the next day I asked him to play again as I figured I only won as a fluke. Well, I won again! LOL Shawn just grins and I think I see a new appreciation for me in his eyes hehe.

We didn't do much yesterday as Shawn golfed. We did go for a few bike rides over the last few days though and rented a couple movies last night.

Today we are going to the E.A.A. which should be a lot of fun. There is an air show and tons of planes to take pictures of. So I hope I get some good shots.

There has been a lot of stuff going on with my family (problems) that are weighing heavily on my mind, though I don't wish to write about them now. Maybe later.

Well, I better start getting ready. Shawn and I are going to the Brewers game tomorrow night with a bus load of friends etc. so that should be a good time too. I'm having a very busy but fun filled week.

Replies: 1 comment

Leah - you are doing great! Believe me! You are doing so amazing on the relationship end - keep it up! Both you and Shawn will have many wonderful days if you continue to work in such a healthy way on you relationship. Love ya, Di

Diane has spoken @ 07/29/2001 12:43 PM CST

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