Rounded Ends Button Tutorial

You will need Paint Shop Pro 5 and Eye Candy for this tutorial.

Create a new image size 150 X 50 16 million colors. Make the background color the same as whatever background you will be placing the button. You can choose your own background and foreground colors.

Make sure you have antialias checked on your control pallete. Hold down your shift key and use your selection tool to make a circle size 42 (or whatever size you wish) making sure to keep your eye on the coordinates so you can place your second circle in the same position. I placed my first circle at these coordinates: 25, 25 and the second circle is at 125, 25. I made both circles size 42. Do not deselect. Your image should look like this:

Keep your finger on the shift key so you can make your rectangle selection. Position your cursor in the middle of the left circle but on the top. Draw your rectangle so that it meets at the top and bottom of the left circle and also meets at the top and bottom of the right circle like this:

Once you have the rectangel where you want it you can release your finger from the shift key and it should look like this:

Now you are ready to flood fill your button.

Note: Sometimes after you flood fill it the edges may not be where you want them. You can simply click on "Edit" and "Undo Modify Selection" which will take the rectangle selection back off. Then you will need to press the shift key again while you make your new rectangle.

Apply your Eye Candy "Inner Bevel" with these settings:

Or you can adjust them to your own taste.

Next you will need to add a drop shadow with these settings:

And there's your finished button! Easy right? You can also make round ended bars just by making your circles smaller and your rectangle box longer. Here are some variations using the same settings as above but different size circles.

You can fill your selection with almost any pattern or texture to create all kinds of neat ones. Experiment a little and have fun!
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Thanks to Digital Attitudes for the font used to create some of this set!
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