Grainy Background Tutorial

You will need Jasc Paint Shop Pro for this tutorial. I've tried to write this tutorial so even brand new users of Paint Shop Pro should be able to follow it.

1. Create a new white image size 100 X 100 16 million colors.

2. Click on "image" "noise" and "add" with these settings:

Noise = 49 (This can be adjusted. A higher number will make the image more grainy.)
Click Okay

Your image should look like this now:

3. Now we need to colorize this. I chose a light rose for this tutorial. Click on "colorize" and use these setttings (Again, you can use any setting you want.):

Hue = 236
Saturation = 56
Click okay

Your image will look like this now:

4. You could use this image "as is" for a background or you can make it smoother by adding a light rose colored layer on top of it.

This first thing you need to do is make sure your layers pallette is visible. You can click on this button to toggle it on or off. Toggle it on. Now click on your "background" button in your layers pallette and right click your mouse and choose "new" like this:

Click okay.

5. Click on the word "layer 1" in your layers pallette to activate that layer. Now you can flood fill your image with this light rose color RGB = 242, 234, 238. Dont' panic if your image looks like a flat pink without the noise. This is because you are only going to see that layer. Adjust your opacity to this:

6. Now you need to merge your layers. To do this, click on "Layers" "Merge" and "Merge all flatten". Your finished background tile should look like this:

7. Last but not least you'll need to save this tile. I would suggest saving it under .psp format so you can use it as an original without losing any clarity.

Now wasn't that easy?!?

Here is a another tip on how to make many backgrounds from this one image.

1. Duplicate your original grainy background tile by clicking on "Window" and "duplicate". Close your original tile so you don't accidently make some changes to it.

2. Click on "Colors" "Adjust" "Brightness/Contrast" and use these settings:

Click okay. Your image should look a little darker.

3. Now click on "colorize" using the same settings you used for your original tile above. Your image should look like this:

The possibilities are endless as you can colorize these and readjust the brightness/contrast even darker. Here are a couple more examples just from using the darkened tile by colorizing it:


There are so many uses for this background tile. You can use these as tiling backgrounds or for fills on almost anything. Have fun and experiment a little!


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